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Triangulation in Research - 1-on-1

Duration: 1 hour
Authors: Dr. Ana Faria
Number of participants: 1 - 1
Fee: 125.00€

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This 1-on-1 triangulation workshop provides you with some insights on how to apply triangulation to your own research.

In this workshop, we will explore the concept of triangulation in research and how to design a triangulated research study, collect and analyze data from multiple sources, and integrate the findings into a cohesive and meaningful whole, depending at the stage you are in your own journey.

Key Take-Aways

By the end of the workshop, participants will have some insights on how to apply triangulation to your own research.

Study segments
This workshop is of relevance to the following study segments.
  • Research methods and tools covered or trained in the workshop:

  • Data collection techniques covered or trained in the workshop:

  • This workshop is geared at the following doctoral journey steps:

    • Initial Research Plan
    • Methodology Workout
    • Identification of Related Studies
    • Research Design and Pretesting
    • Data Collection
    • Data Analysis (in itself)
    • Data Analysis (against the literature)
    • Conclusion Framing
    • Thesis Structuring
    • Thesis Write Up

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Study segments
This workshop is of relevance to the following study segments.
  • Research methods and tools covered or trained in the workshop:

  • Data collection techniques covered or trained in the workshop:

  • This workshop is geared at the following doctoral journey steps:

    • Initial Research Plan
    • Methodology Workout
    • Identification of Related Studies
    • Research Design and Pretesting
    • Data Collection
    • Data Analysis (in itself)
    • Data Analysis (against the literature)
    • Conclusion Framing
    • Thesis Structuring
    • Thesis Write Up
Refund policy

Deferral/transfer due to unforeseen circumstances

  • If a participant is unable to attend the workshop/conference/class edition due to unforeseen circumstances, registration fees may be transferred to another individual with the prior consent of DoctoratHub.
  • If a participant is unable to attend the workshop/conference/class edition due to unforeseen circumstances, the fee paid may be left with DoctorateHub as payment towards a place at the same workshop/conference/class edition the following year or another DoctorateHub service that occurs within 12 months of the originally booked workshop/conference/class edition. Thereafter, all funds paid are forfeited.


  • Registrations cancelled more than 60 days before the workshop/conference/class edition start date are eligible for an 80% refund of the registration fees paid.
  • Registrations cancelled less than 60 days, but more than 30 days before the workshop/conference/class edition start date are eligible for a 50% refund of the registration fees paid.
  • Registrations cancelled less than 30 days before the event start date are not eligible for a refund.
  • In the event DoctorateHub needs to cancel the workshop/conference/class edition due to unforeseen circumstances, DoctorateHub will refund the full cost of registration fees paid.


  • Unforeseen circumstances - an event that is unexpected and prevents a participant attending or DoctorateHub from organising/continuing with a workshop/conference/class edition.
    • Participant example circumstances include Covid diagnosis, severe health episode, and natural disaster.
    • DoctorateHub example circumstances include, but are not limited to, inclement weather or other natural disasters, site unavailability, technology challenges, and presenter absence.
Study segments
This workshop is of relevance to the following study segments.
  • Research methods and tools covered or trained in the workshop:

  • Data collection techniques covered or trained in the workshop:

  • This workshop is geared at the following doctoral journey steps:

    • Initial Research Plan
    • Methodology Workout
    • Identification of Related Studies
    • Research Design and Pretesting
    • Data Collection
    • Data Analysis (in itself)
    • Data Analysis (against the literature)
    • Conclusion Framing
    • Thesis Structuring
    • Thesis Write Up

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