DoctorateHub is a Higher Education Institution for Advanced Studies that focuses on doctoral level education.
Our doctoral programmes provide the tightest guidance possible and take the learner from start to finish through a rigorous and sophisticated support framework.
The DoctorateHub faculty is comprised of senior academics from across the globe that support the students as cohort chairs, tutors, mentors, coaches, thesis supervisors and conference examiners. This allows students to continuously develop and progress.
The doctorate is the highest possible academic achievement and it requires determination, persistence, and perseverance. The doctoral journey is without any doubt tough, but it – nevertheless – can be a joyful one.
At DoctorateHub we take students through the doctoral journey from start to finish. We provide students with just the right guidance and support. We assure that students remain connected to peers at the same development stages, and that they can progress at their very own pace.
With this we take doctoral education to the next level providing a rigorous and sophisticated support framework that allows students to progress, understand where they are, and what needs to be done next.
At DoctorateHub we provide doctoral students with just the right level of support they need to successfully finish their doctorates.
DoctorateHub is accredited by the Malta Further & Higher Education Authority, licence number 2024-002. Its accreditation ensures that DoctorateHub’s doctoral programmes provide a doctoral education at the MQF8 level of the Malta Qualifications Framework and the EQF8 level of the European Qualifications Framework of the European Union. Since Malta is a member of the European Higher Education Area (EHEA), our doctoral degrees are recognised in all 48 EHEA member states.
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