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Our Community

Progress through your doctorate as a community.

Our clubs

We offer three kind of clubs: Our journey clubs guide you through the six different stages of your doctorate right from the proposal to publishing. Our local clubs are designed to support you, network with peers in your area, meet up, and grow together. Finally, we provide you with special interest clubs that are dedicated to the specific topics of your research.

Start your free club journey

Doctoral journey stage 1

Thesis research proposal development

Doctoral journey stage 2

Research planning: Getting ready for data collection

Doctoral journey stage 3

Research execution: Data collection and analysis

Doctoral journey stage 4

Research Write up: Writing your thesis

Doctoral journey stage 5

Viva & Graduation

Doctoral journey stage 6

Post Doctoral & Publishing

Doctoral Journey

We broke down the doctoral journey into 25 bite-sized steps within 6 journey stages. We provide super tight guidance.

Stage 1: Thesis research proposal development

Stage 2: Research planning: Getting ready for data collection

Stage 3: Research execution: Data collection and analysis

Stage 4: Research Write up: Writing your thesis

Stage 5: Viva & Graduation

Stage 6: Post Doctoral & Publishing

Group sessions

Joining a club, attending open-door sessions, and participating in the discussion boards are all completely free. Club Pro or Club Pro light journeys, which include regular written expert feedback and access to dedicated Club Pro group sessions, are available for those who require more intensive support.

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Online group sessions

Open-door | PRO sessions

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In-person group sessions

Open-door | PRO sessions

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Get the answers you are looking for.

We regularly hold free webinars about specific topics of interest that use an interactive format to allow participants to connect, share, and make sense of the topics covered.

We understand that questions arise at various points during your research journey and we have you covered.

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See what our scholars say about us.

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Thesis stage: Research execution: Data collection and analysis

Learning from people from different parts of the world is exhilarating. May there be more of this kind of endeavor in the future.


Eneire O.

Thesis stage: Research planning: Getting ready for data collection

I have just signed up to this hub and it has been insightful. It was quite daunting at first and I’m thinking if do-able. But with me in this platform I can foresee a clearer future. Thanks to the organisers.

Ahmed I.

Thesis stage: Post Doctoral & Publishing

For the more than 15 years (with the last 10 being in consultancy), I had been looking for ways to contribute to organizations that are interested in growth and broad-based development. I graduated from the DBA programme last year (2019), the course has accelerated my progress in understanding of organizations and now the doctoratehub is assisting me in sharpening these skills towards my interesting journey...I thank the providers of knowledge in the doctotratehub in providing this platform. Dr Ahmed M. Ibrahim


Fe Jocelyn D.

Thesis stage: Research Write up: Writing your thesis

The inputs that you impart in each session I attended is enlightening. It helps me focus on the essentials and gave me confidence during my proposal defense. The consequence of attending is I passed.

Danai Z.

Thesis stage: Post Doctoral & Publishing

As a postgraduate supervisor, who is already a Ph.D. holder, I was delighted to find a resource that I can continue to develop from. I will continue to share information about DoctorateHub with my students and peers. Thank you.

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